Like everyone else, my family has acquired more and more mobile devices. We each have an iPhone 5, we have a iPad 1, a Kindle, and I have a Samsung Galaxy phone through work.  Unfortunately we need at least 3 different types of cables (lightning, 30-pin, USB) to connect these gadgets. When we try to charge them our countertops look like the snake pit scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark. 

I kept trying to buy different devices to resolve this problem. Power strips. Outlet covers with USB jacks built in. The list goes on. However, these things did nothing to solve my problem: I still had a lot of long cables going everywhere. 

Then it hit me that the mess was due to having a lot of LONG cables. If the cables were short things would be a lot tidier. After some brief Amazon searches I found the perfect hub for me, the Anker 25W 5-Port USB Desktop Charger

It has a nice 5 foot cord, so I can have one single cord that allows me to place the hub out of the way against a wall. It has specific ports for iPhones and iPads as well as Android devices. Most importantly, this means that the iPad port has the higher (2.1) amperage for faster charging (if you've ever tried to charge an iPad with an iPhone plug you'll notice that it charges very slowly).

To complete my quest for cable orderliness I bought some short USB lightningmicro-USB cables, and 30-pin (old iPad) cables from Amazon and Monoprice.. Below is the result.

AuthorTodd Zarwell